How GOOD are Your Motivation Skills?
Discover key factors for building a motivated team
Discover key factors for building a motivated team
Managers everywhere want teams that are effective, focused, and committed to organizational goals. With a team like this, just think of the performance and results you could deliver!
...Teams only perform like this if their managers are motivating them effectively. This is why you need to be able to motivate your team if you want to create a productive work environment. By combining good motivational practices with meaningful work, the setting of performance goals, and use of an effective reward system, you can establish the kind of atmosphere and culture that you need to excel.
The interactive motivational skills quiz helps you identify the aspects of team motivation that you can improve. From there you will be directed to specific tools that will help you improve your motivation skills. Take the test and apply the things you learn from it.
Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often VeryOften
1 When faced with a performance problem, I take care to establish whether it is caused by lack of resource, lack of motivation, or lack of skills.
2 I establish clear performance standards and expectations
3 The rewards and discipline I use are clearly linked to performance and defined behavioral objectives.
4 I structure work so that is interesting and challenging, and allows for appropriate autonomy.
5 When I give a reward I make sure it is one that the recipient values.
6 I am consistent in the way that I discipline people for sub-standard performance.
7 When I see good work, I praise it immediately.
8 I make sure people have the tools, resources, and training to achieve the results I expect.
9 I try to understand what motivates each individual member of my team.
10 I make a major effort to ensure that I offer competitive wages and other forms of compensation.
11 In order to be fair, I use the same rewards for everyone when recognizing good performance.
12 I help people establish performance goals that are challenging and specific, and that are linked to organizational objectives.
13 I make sure I know what is going on in the real work environment before taking any remedial or disciplinary action.
14 I encourage people to set their goals high, and make their achievement measurements challenge them fairly.
15 I try to combine and rotate job assignments so that people can learn and use a variety of skills.
Total =
Score Interpretation
Kindly, rate yours answer 5 marks for every "Very often" answer, 1 mark for every "Note at all". Thus, rate each "Rarely" answer 2 marks, "Sometimes"= 3 marks, and "Often"= 4 marks
Skill # 1 (Questions 1, 4, 15)
Your score is out of 15
Skill # 2 (Questions 2, 3, 12, 14)
Your score is out of 20
Skill # 3 (Questions 5, 9, 10, 11)
Your score is out of 20
Skill # 4 (Questions 6, 7, 8, 13)
Your score is out of 20
Your Total Score of 75:
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