7 Jun 2011

Assertiveness Skills - Have you ever asked yourself if you have the right to refuse ?

Have you ever asked yourself if you have the right to refuse ?
1.Do you buy things you do not want because you are afraid to say no to the salesperson?
2.When you do not understand the meaning of a word, do you ask about it?
3.Do you feel responsible when things go wrong, even if it is not your fault?
4. Do you look directly at others when you talk to them?
5.Do people often ask you to speak more loudly in order to be heard?
6.Do you feel intimidated by people in authority?
7.Do you generally have good posture?
8.Do you often feel so angry you could scream?
9.Do you know how to ask for help without feeling dependent?
10.If someone cuts in front of you in a line, do you usually tell them off?

If you answered most of those questions with yes, you need some help with you Assertiveness Skills.

Assertiveness is a way of thinking and behaving that allows a person to stand up for his or her rights while respecting the rights of others.
Nonassertive people may be passive or aggressive. Passive individuals are not committed to their own rights and are more likely to allow others to infringe on their rights than to stand up and speak out.
On the other hand, aggressive persons are very likely to defend their own rights and work to achieve their own goals but are also likely to disregard the rights of others. Additionally, aggressive individuals insist that their feelings and needs take precedence over other people's. They also tend to blame others for problems instead of offering solutions. 
Assertive attitudes and behaviors are at the heart of effective advocacy. A person with an assertive attitude recognizes that each individual has rights. These rights include not only legal rights but also rights to individuality, to have and express personal preferences, feelings and opinions.

SMT Program provides an effective Assertiveness Skills package what contains a complet Personal Operation Manual helps in the following outlines:
Assertiveness Misconceptions
Passive Communication
Aggressive Communication
Assertive Communication
Assertiveness Types
Assertiveness Self-Assessment
Enhance your Assertiveness Skills

For reservation or any inquiries, please apply on line through this link FREE Online Registration

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